Getting ISO 9001 Certified in Miami, Florida (FL)
How does your company avoid undesired consequences, or reduce or prevent them? How does the company ensure that desired results will be accomplished along with quality improvement? The premise is that there are elements in the risk reduction framework that generate inherent protective actions through an improvement cycle.
By considering ‘potential’ risks, the company will put protective steps into motion. The ISO 9001 standard includes tangible quality metrics which implies establishing goals. The criteria underlying the goals of ISO 9001 are also rendered more comprehensive. You need to confirm with the standards of ISO 9001, be observable (if practicable), be tracked, transmitted, and revise them as necessary. You need to be configured at the appropriate levels and functions. The new edition of the ISO 9001 manual incorporates planning on how to meet its efficiency targets.
The key differences in quality between the original ISO 9001 model and the current version?
- Adoption of a high-level framework provided for in Annex SL of Section 1 of the ISO Directives
- Explicit risk-based analysis criteria to help and deepen awareness and implementation of the method approach
- Fewer prescription criteria
- Better versatility with regards to reporting
- Improved service applicability
- A criterion for determining the limits of QMS
- Stronger emphasis on the corporate context
- Improved requirements on leadership
- Further focus on producing the optimal outcomes of the systems to boost consumer loyalty
What is ISO 9001?
ISO 9001 is a global standard that stipulates the specifications of a QMS or the quality management system. Organizations comply with this obligation to show their willingness to reliably provide services and goods which in effect meet all sorts of regulatory and consumer requirements. ISO 9001 is the most commonly established ISO 9000 series Standard. It’s also the only one that organizations can certify themselves with.
The ISO 9001 standard was first introduced and released in 1987 by ISO or International Organization for Standardization, a global body consisting of certain institutions representing more than one hundred and sixty separate countries with national ethics. The most recent version of the ISO 9001 standard was released in September 2015.

Who can you use ISO 9001?
ISO 9001 can extend to every type of business enterprise, regardless of sector or size. Throughout the years, more than one million corporate organizations from all throughout the world have signed up to the ISO 9001 program to administer their companies’ quality control programs. The ISO 9001 will help them accomplish the following goals:
- Organize company processes in a systematic way
- Enhance the cumulative performance of the various systems
- Continuous research to boost continual improvement
As the latest version of this standard is ISO 9001:2015, it is important that any organization currently using ISO 9001 must upgrade to ISO 9001:2015 as soon as possible. It covers the companies already ISO 9001:2008 certified, as well as others who are interested in educating and/or certifying those in any manner. Give ISO Pros in Miami, Florida (FL) a call today to assist you.